August 2

Halbrook Philippine Trip July 25-28, 2018

Dear family, brethren, and friends around the world,
Wednesday morning we drove from Davao City to Kitakal, Malungon in the province of Sraangani.  Our trip of 2 ½ hours took us from the heavy traffic of Davao to winding roads in the edge of the mountains.  The morning gathering was set aside for me to conduct a wedding ceremony for Dondon Dacayona and Sel Sandoval (they previously had a simple ceremony to satisfy legal requirements, but our purpose was to focus on God’s Word).  My lesson on “Marital Love” summarized the Song of Solomon and made applications showing how to cultivate love in the home.  They have a custom of pinning a light veil over the bride’s head, indicating husband will lead, protect, and provide for her.  To stress the indissoluble nature of the union, a light cord encircles the necks of both parties and connects them.

After lunch I preached “When Peter Confessed Christ” (Matt. 16:13-19), showing that Christ gathers souls as his church based on his divine nature and authority as the Son of God, not based on Peter as the first Pope.  The role of Peter with all of the Apostles was to simply preach the gospel of Christ, thus bringing them to Christ the Savior, the Rock of our salvation.

Next, Jack Jaco preached on the brevity of life and the urgency of obeying the gospel.  One lady came forward to confess her faith in Christ and to submit to him in baptism for the forgiveness of her sins by the power of his atoning blood.  The brethren immediately took her to the water as we exited to travel to General Santos City.  We arrived shortly before dark and must now prepare for the two days of preaching on the theme “The Bible Is the Word of God.”

There is one notable difference traveling on Mindanao this time.  The island was placed under martial law by President Duterte because of the Muslim rebels taking over the city of Marari in  May of 2017.  It took the army five months to root them out and the city suffered much devastation in the fighting.  Now, everywhere we go we pass through military checkpoints.  Everything seems to be peaceful now, but this precaution is probably wise by the government because radical militant groups have been the scourge of Mindanao for many years.

The two days of preacher training on the theme “The Bible Is the Word of God” started with a bang on Thursday.  Plans were made for up to 60 participants and 94 attended today!  Including several denomination preachers who heard about the series.  Jack started the day by presenting an overview of the Bible.  Then I taught “The Glory of God” from Psalm 19 to show God’s glory is revealed and proclaimed by His work in the creation and by His Word in the Bible.

After lunch, Dondon taught a very thorough lesson on the necessity of obedience which must meet the terms and conditions of God’s saving grace.  My two afternoon sermons discussed “The Inspiration and Authority of Scripture” and “The Apocrypha and Other False Scriptures.”  The open forum covered a range of questions including questions about various books mentioned in the Old Testament which we do not have.  For instance, the Bible mentions chronicles of the kings and other books of history, but they were not inspired of God – that is the key point.  Nothing has been added and nothing lost from the original Scriptures given by God.

Today has been a very fruitful and profitable day.  To top it off, there is a mall nearby where I can safely walk for exercise at night, and as I walked to the mall there in full view was the beautiful moon again, my connection to loved ones at home whom I miss.

On the second day, Friday, we learned that a son of a former denominational preacher did not want to wait for an invitation to obey the gospel, but like the Ethiopian treasurer in Acts 8 he asked, “What doth hinder me to be baptized?”  In other words, the truth he learned was already pressing on his conscience and he wanted to be baptized for the remission of his sins, and he was baptized without delay.

Jonathan presented the first study today by explaining the seed principle – the original seed of the gospel made Christians, not members of modern denominations and sects.  The original gospel is preserved in the Bible and has the same power today to make Christians only, not members of any denomination.

My first lesson went straight to the point exposing “The Apocrypha and Other False Scriptures” (2 Cor. 11:3).  From ancient times until now Satan has tried to deceive people with false doctrines, false messages, and false books of the Bible, but the Bible arms us to recognize and expose these fraudulent claims.  During a Q & A period, I clarified some false claims of the Muslim religion which is strong here on Mindanao.

After lunch Jack preached on first principles of the Word of God, then I followed him with two lessons on Christian evidences under the title “The Bible: God’s Only True Word.”  Study materials were then distributed and our visitors from denominations were given first priority in the distribution.  What a joy to see how these materials are selected and prized!

There were many kind comments of appreciation to the teachers at the close of the last session.  The comment heard most often in every place this series was preached is that this is the first time that many brethren including preachers learned the origin of the Apocrypha and learned how to counter all claims of “lost books” of the Bible.  If our brethren are now armed to more effectively fight the good fight of faith, our time, money, and efforts have been well invested – may God be glorified!

Tonight the moon is fuller and brighter than at any time on this trip – thank you, Lord!

Saturday morning we drove from General Santos City to Padada, Davao del Sur, where a new congregation was established 8 years ago when Ben Canada converted some of his relatives and I held a meeting with them.  Later Tony Russell from the Wooley Springs church of Christ between Athens, AL and Ardmore, TN donated funds to construct a small church building on the property of Mitchell Canada and this church continues to thrive.

Julie Notarte arrived early and started preaching because people had already gathered.  When we arrived, I taught “Salvation: Amazing, Astonishing!” (Isa. 52:12-15) and Julie translated, which we sometimes do in rural areas and country towns.  The weather was quite hot, but everyone was very attentive.  Because of the heat, for lunch I ate a little fruit and drank coconut water from a fresh coconut – very refreshing.

After lunch Dondon taught a good lesson on receiving God’s grace by submitting to His conditions, and then I followed with “The Tree of Life: Lost & Found” (Rev. 22:1-2).  One sinner responded to the gospel invitation – he confessed Christ and was baptized into the church of Christ.  We rejoice with the angels of heaven!

Late in the afternoon we started our trip to Davao City and arrived here safely about 7:00 P.M. by God’s mercy with the good driving of Dondon Masaba.  After over two hours of travel, my clothes were still soaking wet from preaching in the day’s heat.

As this trip nears its end, the heart longs for home, but I thank God for the privilege of laboring in the gospel with so many dear Filipino saints.  Also I thank and praise God for all of the saints who make these trips possible!

In Christian love,
Ron Halbrook

P.S. Typhoon and monsoon rains have caused terrible flooding and devastation on the island of Mindoro and many congregations of our brethren are suffering for lack of food and medicines.  As soon as I get home I can relay funds to at least some of the affected congregations if anyone is able to help.   $2,000 divided to several congregations would meet many immediate needs.

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Posted August 2, 2018 by Jacob Keese in category "Reports