April 23

April 11-13 in the Philippines

Dear family, brethren, and friends,

Monday, April 11, started our second week of classes for preachers.  The students are enduring hardness as good soldiers of Christ as the all-day studies continue.  My first period dealt with outlining passages for textual sermons.  As a starter we outlined Genesis 1 on the creation.  I noted the chapter is not consistent with evolution’s theory of the earth’s origin because each day consisted of 12 hours of darkness and 12 hour of light, not millions of years.  Millions of years of darkness followed by millions of years of daylight would kill every form of life twice over!  We noted how the often perfection of God’s work is emphasized by repeated statements that what He made was “good” and “very good.”  This chapter is the foundation for everything else taught in the Bible.  After outlining the chapter, we discussed some applications which could be made – such as, conformity to God’s laws brings great blessings while defying His will results in self-destruction.  This is true both in the physical and the spiritual realms.

In the basic Bible doctrine study we observed the names or designations of God’s people both individually and collectively, and the importance of avoiding denominational names and organizations which divide professed followers of Christ.

The class on issues which have divided God’s people covered two examples of authorized expediencies: conducting simultaneous Bible classes, and providing the fruit of the vine in individual containers in the Lord’s Supper.  Dogmatic protests against such authorized practices have resulted in factions.

My final class today was conducted as an open forum because I knew these men had questions on their minds which needed to be addressed.  Out of the wide variety of questions, I thought one stood out because it reflects the influence of so-called modern culture even in the Philippines.  What about the case of a man who leaves his wife without the Bible ground of fornication, marries another woman, and later wants to obey the gospel?  Does the love shared by these two people justify their remaining together?

The answer is that God alone has the power to join people in marriage.  The marriage bond of the original couple remains intact, i.e., God has not released either party from their vows and obligations.  God did not join the two people in the second union (Matt. 19:6-9).  Their professed love does not overrule God’s marriage law.  Other people claim love justifies polygamy and even homosexual marriage, but God does not join people in marriages contrary to His law of marriage.  If people involved in such sinful unions truly love God and each other, they must repent, separate, and serve God according to His law, not according to human emotions, dictates, and changing civil laws.

Tuesday seemed to fly by with all classes moving along well.  Craig and I are at times combining two lessons into one in order to cover all of our material by Friday.  We have been praying on behalf of Lordy Salunga who preaches in Angeles City because he must have a pacemaker implanted tomorrow to regulate his heart.  This will prevent him from coming to teach next week as planned, so Rody, Harry Osborne, and Jonathan Carino will arrange to cover Lordy’s assigned topics for the last two weeks of the program.

My class on the preacher’s life and work continued to study outlining passages as we examined Psalm 19 on the glory of God revealed by the creation and in Scripture.  The period on basic Bible doctrine covered worship in spirit and in truth.  The session on issues dividing brethren addressed the theories and errors of milllennialism.

During my last time slot it was a privilege to introduce the students to the reference Bible which they received.  They learned how to use the center column references, several Bible study aids in the back of the Bible, and then Bible maps.  They took to it like ducks to water.  They received photocopies of blank maps with the assignment of filling in such information as countries, cities, bodies of water, tribes of Israel, and mountains.

The weather continues to be unusually comfortable.  The last two days have been warm, not hot, and there has been no rain.  When I walked last night I got to see the moon a couple of times between passing clouds.  Tonight there were only scattered clouds and the moon was looking directly down on me with a big smile to let me know some of you are watching the moon and smiling too!

Craig and I kept the classes moving at a steady pace today, Wednesday, because we are fast approaching the end of our part in the training program.  My presentation on the preacher’s life and work covered a wide spectrum of advice to young preachers about 1. pulpit work (do not lean on the pulpit, do not speak in a monotone, maintain eye contact with the audience, etc.), 2. personal work (never waste time discussing Scripture with someone who is intoxicated, take brethren with you to train them, do not study alone with a female, etc.), 3. present different types of sermons (textual, topical, biographical, etc.), and 4. maintain good balance in sermon topics and applications of truth.

The Lord’s Supper was the theme of the basic Bible doctrine series.  Issues dividing brethren addressed the errors of the so-called grace-unity movement which looks for ways to broaden the lines of fellowship beyond the limits of Scripture.  I finished the day dealing with Bible geography and maps.

During the Wednesday evening service at the Metro Tuguegarao church one of our students presented a good outline of God’s character and delivered it effectively.

An added benefit is seeing many brethren from far and near whom I have known in past years as they come to sit in with us for a day or two of classes.  Some of them bring young people from the congregations to let them hear the lessons.

Tonight most of the clouds were gone and the moon was beaming down directly above me as I walked.  Thankfully, there was a breeze, but the days are rapidly returning to the normal pattern of hot and humid which drains our energy.  This is a small price to pay for such a great privilege of teaching God’s Holy Word to men who want to give their lives to spreading the gospel of Christ!

We have not heard from Lordy Salunga yet about the procedure to implant a pacemaker today, but let us continue to pray for him that all will be well and he can soon return to his activities in the kingdom of God.

In Christian love,
Ron Halbrook

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Posted April 23, 2022 by Jacob Keese in category "Reports