August 16

Philippine Preaching August 12-14, 2022

Dear family, brethren, and friends,

Thursday night while walking I finally saw the moon peek out behind the clouds where it has been hiding since I arrived in the Philippines.  Spread the good news!  After all this time it is confirmed that global cooling has not frozen it, global warming has not melted it, and climate change has not changed it.  As God ordained from the beginning, it is shining as beautifully as ever, fulfilling its purpose – and reminding those of us separated by great distances that we all can see the same moon.

Friday morning, August 12, we set out in a van to preach at Kitakal, Malungon, Sarangani Province where Dondon Cadayona labors in the gospel.  This church is located along the highway about an hour from General Santos City.  Over 100 people were gathered inside and outside the church building as I preached “From Wretched Man to More Than Conquerors.”

While Mark preached, Julie Notarte took Trey and me to visit the church at J.P. Laurel located off of a narrow winding road which is little more than a footpath.  We had to use Julie’s four-wheel drive vehicle to reach the place.  About 50 people were waiting for us including about a dozen preachers from the mountains.  I spoke from Psalm 23, “Do Not Be Afraid: The Lord Is Our Shepherd,” followed by Trey.  Trey is not a full-time preacher but has helped Filipino saints for several years and he is competent to teach God’s Word with conviction and clarity.  Nine people of all ages were baptized into Christ.  There was much joy and thanksgiving!

J.P. Laurel is one of the communities where benevolence funds have helped to build small houses for saints whose houses were destroyed by 16 successive earthquakes October 2019-May 2020.  Trey and I took pictures of several of these houses and we were asked to relay many expressions of appreciation to all who have donated funds.

We returned to Kitikal for lunch, then I preached on “The New Testament Church,” followed by another good lesson by Trey.  Two souls obeyed the gospel of Christ.  We returned to our hotel in General Santos City and ate supper at 7:00 P.M., reflecting on the many blessings of this day.  After working awhile in my room, I walked for about 45 minutes and saw the full moon in all of its brilliant glory in a clear sky for the first time on this trip. Truly, the heavens declare the glory of God!

While Jolly Julom took Mark to visit the T’boli tribe at Lake Sebu in South Cotabato (7 baptized), Nestor Francisco took Trey and me over two hours away to visit churches in the mountains and rural areas of Davao del Sur on Saturday.  We drove a couple of hours past rice fields, mango groves, sugar cane fields, and banana groves and then climbed winding roads into the mountains.  A fresh landslide covered the road near our destination and our driver tried to ease us across the narrow strip of road remaining.  Alas, the rear right tire slide off the mud-covered road and was buried in the mud.  We lost an hour as many attempts were made to back the van out of the mud, and finally we succeeded.  Someone somewhere was praying for us!

Julie Notarte was following us in his four-wheel drive truck, so we transferred to his vehicle, crossed the landslide, and reached Colonsabac, Matanao, Davao del Sur about 11:00 A.M. I preached on Psalm 23, “Do Not Be Afraid: God Is Our Shepherd” to about 35 people.  Then we walked around the community to see houses in different stages of reconstruction by victims of the 16 earthquakes in October 2019-May 2020.

Our next stop was at Crossing Nia, San Isidro, Magsaysay where we saw the church building and houses reconstructed with the help of benevolence funds largely from saints in the U.S. We proceeded to another congregation in San Isidro where brethren are rebuilding after the earthquake devastation.  There was no time to preach in those places because of the time lost at the mudslide and it was very far back to General Santos City.

Finally reaching Upper Bala, Magsaysay, we visited the reconstructed church building and several homes being rebuilt in the neighborhood.  Trey preached a good lesson on the importance of using our talents and opportunities to spread the gospel.  We reached our hotel without further incident at 7:00 P.M. by God’s grace.  It turned out that Mark experienced a 5.9 magnitude earthquake while preaching at Lake Sebu – he really knows how to shake people up from the pulpit!  No one was injured and after everyone calmed down, Mark finished his lesson.

On the Lord’s Day Trey went with Salvador Parbo to a church in Lanton served by Joy Julom while Mark preached to another congregation in Lanton where Jolly Julom labors (2 baptized).  Meanwhile, Nestor Francisco took me to Alegria where he serves as an evangelist.  Normal attendance is 35-40, but today 92 were present including brethren who wanted to join us from other areas.  Jonathan Carino translated as I presented the lesson “Work While It Is Today” (Jn. 9:4).  It was a joy to see many brethren I have not seen for over two years!

I am beginning to collect hard copy documentation of the benevolence distributed during my two years absence from the Philippines.  This region suffered greatly from the devastating earthquakes which occurred October 2019-May 2020.  Evidence of the destruction is still very evident as we travel around, including part of a mall across the street from our hotel.  Many saints opened their hearts and sent benevolence funds for food and housing for victims who are faithfully serving the Lord.  Trustworthy men who helped relay the benevolence are very willing to provide documentation of the distribution, “providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men” (2 Cor. 8:21).  Recipients of the benevolence have asked us again and again to relay their expressions of love, thanksgiving, and appreciation to the donors.

I also want to express my gratitude to all who have entrusted funds to me to be delivered to our brethren during these two very difficult years.  It is a privilege to serve as your messenger.  May God remember and bless each one of you for your love, service, and sacrifices!

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Posted August 16, 2022 by Jacob Keese in category "Reports