Philippines-Malaysia Report December 14-15, 2023
Dear family, brethren, and friends,
Thursday we began a two-day Bible lectureship on “Marriage and Morals” in Victorias City where Jack Jaco has labored in the gospel for many years. To accommodate the audience of 61, a function room was rented in a business building. Five denominational “pastors” joined our study and showed good interest, one taking the front seat right in front of where I stood to teach.
Today’s subjects included “Marriage: God’s Gift to Man and Woman,” “Marriage: Joined by God,” “The Truth about Abortion,” and “The Truth About Homosexuality.”
The open forum was very fruitful. Several questions related to marriage, divorce, and remarriage. For instance, when people repent and are baptized who are living in adultery and even polygamy, must they remain in these relationships or do the works of repentance require them to stop these practices? The sins are forgiven, and the sins must stop, which will require severing these sinful relationships. Does the father have any obligation to children born into these sinful relationships? Yes, the father who conceived these children is responsible to provide for their needs in every possible way.
Philippine laws reflect the Catholic doctrine and culture which forbid divorce on any grounds. The brethren have slowly come to terms with Jesus’ doctrine that allows divorce and remarriage for the innocent partner when a mate commits fornication, but they struggle with how to handle legal details when the government does not recognize divorce for fornication. We discussed the reality that the government does not have the power to cancel God’s law, so the only issue is how to find ways to follow God’s law and to satisfy legal requirements as much as possible. Each person must do his best to find a legal remedy on a case by case basis, or he may have to do the best he can to proceed without legal sanction and the advantages it would afford.
Thank you for praying for our friend Baltazar! Here is the update. When he came today, he brought his wife and introduced her to Jack, to myself, and to other brethren. She was very attentive and even stood at times to take pictures of my PowerPoint slides. In conversing with Jack and her husband, she admonished her husband that he should be working with us in view of the good Bible lessons being presented. It was clear that Baltazar was delighted to study with us again, and he plans to return. The power of the gospel is simply amazing!
Our lectureship continued in Victorias City Friday with 58 in attendance. The day started with two lessons on “The Threat of Pornography: Making Sex an Idol.” Next was a study of “The Truth about Transgender,” and the last topic was “Preserving Unity in Christ.” There were no questions when the time came for the open forum.
Several denominational “pastors” attended again today, and we always do our best to make them feel welcomed. One is the head of an association of preachers and he said he would take the booklet we distributed of these outlines and assign one to be taught every month until all the subjects are covered.
And, yes, our friend Baltazar and his wife were back. He greeted me and hugged me several times, and he urged me to return to teach again as soon as possible. When we distributed the books I brought, we made sure he got McGarvey’s Original Commentary on Acts which focuses on cases of conversion. I believe he will study it with great profit because he actually requested literature for more study. The last thing I said to him was, “We are ready to baptize you anytime you are ready.” He smiled and thanked me. Many years ago he participated in a public debate with my dear friend Cipriano Carpentero in an effort to defend the denominational doctrine of salvation by faith only, before baptism, but we will continue to pray he will submit his soul to Christ in baptism for the remission of his sins.
If this lectureship did nothing more than to bring this dear soul closer to obeying the gospel, it was a great success. Many others expressed appreciation for the studies and some have requested copies of the PowerPoint charts which I can relay to them via email.
When I walk each night for about an hour, I watch for the moon but have poor luck finding it. Of course, it is in a waxing crescent phase showing less than 10% of it beautify plus there have been clouds every night. But, of course, I know it is always there, relaying your smiles here and mine back to all of you!
In Christian love,
Ron Halbrook
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