July 19

Report on Philippine Trip April – May 2024

May 11, 2024th Year of Our Lord


Dear brethren,                               

God again opened the way April 22-May 11 for me to preach the gospel in the Philippines for the 86th time since Jim McDonald first took me there in 1995.  I taught 58 lessons introducing the original gospel of Christ mostly to denominational preachers.  None were immediately converted but several are asking for follow up studies and are expressing an interest in obeying the gospel.  While preaching among churches of Christ, six people submitted to Christ in baptism for the remission of their sins.

Isaiah 11 prophesied the coming of our Savior to reconcile us to God and to unite the bitterest enemies in peace, joy, and love – including Jews and Gentiles and other divided peoples everywhere.  “They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea” (vs. 9). As the gospel spreads around the world, many Filipinos have obeyed it.

God granted me safe travel April 22-23 from Louisville, Kentucky to Atlanta, then on to South Korea and Manila in the Philippines.  The next day was used to run errands, review lessons, and adjust to the 12 hour time change.  Thursday-Saturday was devoted to teaching a series of lessons on “The Authority of Christ” plus a series on  “Moral Truth in an Amoral Age” to the deaf-mute saints meeting at Edsa-Pasay where Tonyboy Hornado serves them as an evangelist.  James Paet works with the hearing-speaking saints there and was a great help.  About 20-30 attended each day.

Wednesday Jimmy Bobis, a longtime faithful preacher in Metro Manila, passed away after an extended illness.  After our Thursday service, James Paet drove me to the Kapitbahayn church of Christ in Navotas to speak at his funeral.  I had worked with him many times and he will be sorely missed..

On the Lord’s Day I preached on “Death, and What Then?” at Kapitbahayn with Elias Cruz where about 80 attended.  Then we proceeded to the church meeting at Floodway, Taytay where 20 people heard “Finish the Race.”  In 2016 Fred Gonzales helped start this work.  Monday morning we rode two hours to reach 40 souls at the church in Bitungol, Norzagaray, Bulacan where “Jun” Gabas labors.  After the lesson “When Peter Confessed Christ,” two souls were baptized into Christ.  That afternoon found us at Marilao, Bulacan where Elias Cruz preaches on Sunday afternoons and Wednesdays.  Twenty people including 4 backsliders heard “Finish the Race” with part of us under an extended roof and others in the sun.

April 30 James Paet and I flew from Manila to Iloilo City on Panay Island and Jack Jaco drove us to San Jose in the Province of Antique. Wednesday I preached a series on “Back to the Bible” to 64 souls, mostly denominational preachers, at a rented venue hosted by Richard Panaligan of the Koinonia Community Church.  The next day we drove two hours to reach Guimbal where brother Marvin Escuder gathered 32 people to study the theme “Seeking God and Salvation.”  Four souls submitted to Christ.

At Iloilo City 54 people gathered to study 8 lessons on “The Authority of Christ” plus two very fruitful open forums.  Most everyone were denominational preachers, many hearing the true and original gospel for the first time.  Naturally, they had typical questions about the necessity of baptism for salvation, instrumental music in worship, women preachers, and tithing, but they were very receptive rather than resistant and combative.  I am communicating with some of them since returning home.

A five-hour round trip made it possible to preach on “Seeking God and Salvation” at Balasan in the Iloilo Provinceon the Lord’s Day where Romeo Jaco preaches. Fifty attended these all-day services.

Monday I flew to Cebu City to meet Jonathan Carino.  The next day was spent laboring with Mario Rubio at Maraag, Sudlon where over 100 joined our studies on “Seeking God and Salvation.”  Wednesday-Thursday were devoted to a Bible lectureship for evangelists on the theme “United to Proclaim Christ,” hosted by the saints meeting in the Luym Building in Cebu City where Jonathan Carino has preached for many years.  70 attended from Cebu Island and surrounding islands.

May 10 I flew to Manila and bought 580 Bibles in Filipino dialects at the Philippine Bible Society.

The 11th brought me home to Donna and the saints in Shepherdsville, KY who help to make these trips possible. Thank God for all the saints who pray for and support the cause of Christ in the Philippines!

In Christian love,

Ron Halbrook

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Posted July 19, 2024 by Jacob Keese in category "Reports