August 17

Aug 1-4 UK-France-Philippines #2

Dear family, brethren, and friends,


Moving into the next segment of this trip, on August 1 I flew from London to Paris, France where Edwin Cortez met me.  We first became acquainted on one of my early Philippine trips, but he moved here over 20 years ago to work.  He with several other Filipinos tried worshiping with an institutional group in the hope of being an influence for good, but as the group became more liberal he and other saints formed a new congregation.


The members have been primarily Filipinos through the years because they can hardly find Frenchmen willing to study the gospel.  They have been forced to move their meeting place several times and covid closed the restaurant where they had rented a good room for several years.  They are now renting a small office space for 3 hours on Sunday, but it is expensive.


Their attendance had grown to 25-30 when I last visited here in 2019, but they have been devastated by a combination of factors.  A man from the liberal church began attending and invited members to join him for outings after services, by which means he leavened several members who have now scattered.  Others have been affected by materialism and worldliness, becoming less committed and even falling away from the Lord and his church.


There have been times the assembly fell as low as 4 souls, but Edwin tirelessly soldiers on for Christ with the few faithful saints.  Travelers can contact him to join the worship by using email ( or cell phone (33-62307-6863).  It really lifts the hearts of these saints to have foreign visitors!


After getting to my hotel late Thursday afternoon, I studied, exercised, and rested.  Friday the saints were working and we could not meet, but the time was valuable for me to study again and to catch up on some things needing attention.  I apologize to email correspondents who do not receive timely answers because I cannot keep up with all the messages when making these trips.


Our Saturday gathering was in an apartment where a sister lives and 5 of us were present.  We studied the theme “Moral Truth in an Amoral Age,” beginning with “Legalizing Sin Does Not Change God’s Truth,” followed by lessons on abortion, homosexuality, and transgender.  This led to several questions about how the church must deal with members who practice immorality or people who want to place membership but are living in immoral relationships.  The gospel teaches people practicing immorality to cease their sins and not return to them, and we must not enable them to continue in their sinful practices and relationships (Acts 26:20; 1 Cor. 6:9-11).


I admonished these saints not to be ashamed when they are so few.  They are manifesting the same faith as Noah when only few entered the ark, and they are walking in the footsteps of Christ when he went to the cross alone to fulfill God’s plan.


The Lord’s Day worship in Paris was attended by 17 souls meeting in a small, woman’s hair salon, which filled every seat. The first lesson addressed “The Truth about Social Media” during the Bible class period.  I preached “Finish the Race” during the worship service.  These sermons were presented in the hope of edifying and encouraging these dear brethren who are struggling to maintain their faith in a metropolitan area of over 2 million people who are unbelievers engulfed in materialism, secularism, and immorality.


One 33-year-old Catholic man is courting a young lady who is a Christian.  I had a good conversation with him after we dismissed, letting him read passages which show some differences between New Testament Christianity and Roman Catholicism.  I urged him to study with Edwin to learn more about the true gospel of Christ.


These saints need our prayers as they continue to fight the good fight of faith under very difficult circumstances!  All of this travel and staying in such cities is expensive but worth all the time, effort, and money if we can strengthen the faith of the few to stay in the ark of safety!


In Christian love,

Ron Halbrook


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Posted August 17, 2024 by Jacob Keese in category "Reports