August 31

August 23-27 UK-France-Philippines #8

Dear family, brethren, and friends,


A 2-day Bible lectureship on “The Authority of Christ” began Friday in Kidapawan City, capital of North Cotabato where Danny Angeles preaches.  He has friends and contacts who are denominational preachers and he worked very hard inviting them.  He used to be a preacher in the Missionary Alliance Church and he has a burden to help these friends and contacts learn the true and original gospel of Christ.  No less than 140 souls gathered today in a facility rented for these lectures.  This is in a screened meeting hall, so we enjoyed Philippine summer heat, but no one complained and our audience was very attentive as they were hearing many new things.


Four lessons took them through a study of the authority of Christ’s teaching in the New Testament, how it can be understood like any other message, how men drifted away from it in the gradual formation of the Roman Catholic religion, and how the Protestant reformation occurred as men broke away from Catholicism and searched for the true gospel.  Falling short of the true gospel, the denominational system emerged from this process.


The open forum was very fruitful with questions about how to convert Catholics, baptism and grace, how to seek pardon of sins committed after baptism, the difference between water baptism and Holy Spirit baptism, how the thief on the cross was saved, and other typical questions from our denominational friends hearing the true gospel for the first time.  Yes, I admit to being a little tired after teaching for at least 5 hours, but what a wonderful privilege to spend that time with people willing to study God’s Holy Word!


Our lectures continued Saturday with another good attendance of 105.  Jack went early to teach on 8 baptisms in the New Testament and to show that only the baptism in the Great Commission is necessary for salvation.  My morning study reviewed in 2 parts the history of the restoration movement to demonstrate what happened when people frustrated with denominationalism began to ask, seek, and knock in search for New Testament Christianity.  Then, I showed the same thing is happening in the Philippines and other parts of the world.  The afternoon was devoted to 2 lessons on “Avoiding Apostasy Today” because Satan counter attacks when people escape religious error in an effort to deceive them again.


In the open forum I explained how people who have received a false baptism in denominations can follow the example of the disciples at Ephesus who were baptized again when they learned their baptism was not valid (Acts 19:1-5).  One denominational preacher became so upset when I clarified that denominational baptism is not the baptism Jesus required in the Great Commission that he walked out, but his curiosity got the best of him and he stood in the doorway listening until we dismissed.  I made it a point to go shake his hand and thank him for coming.


Someone wondered if “she shall be saved in childbearing” in 1 Timothy 2:15 means women must bear children to be forgiven of their sins.  No, verse 14 refers to Eve’s great disservice to humanity when she introduced sin into the world, and verse 15 shows that woman’s great redeeming work is teaching children what is right, good, and true.


Although I finished the day in wet clothes again, the heat was more bearable thanks to a light cloud cover.


Tonight, we discussed the great success of the last 2 days of labor in the gospel and we had a prayer of thanksgiving.  Danny said several denominational preachers are now convinced they have heard the true gospel, and he is quite confident there will soon be several baptisms.  Danny requested that U.S. brethren will please pray for the cause of Christ to continue to spread and grow strong in this area.  He is helping 5 congregations, and, like most Filipino preachers, he is struggling financially because of lack of funds.  This is a dedicated and talented brother who used to hold a very prominent position in his denomination before learning and obeying the true gospel of Christ.


On the Lord’s Day we met with the church in Kidapawan City and there must have been over 100 in attendance counting all the visitors.  My first study addressed “How Sinners Receive Salvation,” followed by “Finish the Race.”  When the Lord’s invitation was extended, 5 precious souls stepped forward to confess Christ and submit to him in baptism for the remission of their sins.  Danny has been studying with these 5 adults for some time, so my only role is helping him to reap the harvest of his labors.


Connie Balbin drove us to Davao City which took about 3½ hours including our short visit with Julie Notarte as we passed through Digos City.  He is recovering from cataract surgery.  Jack was asked to preach for the Downtown church in Davao City tonight and I spoke at the Lower Madapo congregation where Robert Agsao labors in a squatter community at a huge cemetery.  About 50 people heard my sermon “Death, What Then?” They could not have been more attentive.


“God’s Truth Defeats Satan’s Lies” is the theme for the 2-day Bible lectureship at the Downtown church of Christ in Davao City where Connie Balbin preaches alongside other good men.  80 souls attended our Monday sessions covering “God’s Truth VS Satan’s Lies” in 2 parts in the morning, and another 2 lessons on “Overcoming Sin” in the afternoon.  Many preachers were present but also visitors.  I was introduced to a retired schoolteacher who was a first-time visitor.


The open forum made a slow start, but once it started it did not end until 6:00 P.M.  Every time we tried to dismiss, there was “one more question.”  For instance, when Eve was tempted by Satan, did God provide a way of escape (1 Cor. 10:13)?  One way of escape readily available was to ask her husband’s advice, but she jumped ahead of him and ate the fruit, then served it to him.  Someone asked for clarification about whether the kingdom and the church refer to the same thing in the New Testament.  Yes, 99% of the time the kingdom of God refers to the souls gathered and saved by Christ, but it can refer to heaven as in 2 Peter 1:11 because God rules there.  Once, it refers to Christ having authority over all mankind (Matt. 13:41).


If a deacon served as the preacher for another church, assuming he did not neglect his duties at his home congregation, could he be asked to serve as an elder at the second church?  Yes, if he resigned as a deacon, moved his membership, and was qualified.


If a woman asks a question in a Bible class when the teacher allows participation, does she violate 1 Corinthians 14:34-35?  No, “speaking” in this whole chapter refers to those who stand to teach, a role of exercising authority in the assembly.  If she rose to challenge and interrogate the teacher, she would be taking a station equal to the teacher, thus violating her role.  The context is instructing inspired men to use their gifts in an orderly way, and their wives (“your women”) who could prophesy should not assert the authority to interrupt their husbands.


Does withdrawal in 2 Thessalonians 3:6 contradict Galatians 6:1 which teaches us to restore erring saints?  No, withdrawal comes only after those efforts have failed.  Those are a few of the questions discussed this afternoon.


When the brethren at the Downtown church sing, they raise the roof and shake the walls!


The lectureship was concluded on Tuesday with 69 people present.  The morning topics were “The Prison of Sin” and “True Worship VS False Worship,” and after lunch we studied “Finish the Race” and “Death, What Then?”


In the open forum, one of the first questions asked for clarification on the difference between Sheol or Hades and our destinies in Heaven or Hell.  Hades is a temporary state awaiting the resurrection of the body.  The soul, but not the body, is in Hades.  When we are raised, we will gather before God to witness His perfect judgment in assigning all men to our final, eternal destinies in Heaven or Hell.  Both body and soul will enter the final destiny.


Someone asked if there is a difference between our soul and our spirit.  No, these are synonyms referring to our spiritual nature made in God’s image.  Spirit emphasizes this nature is invisible as a spiritual reality, while soul emphasizes this nature is alive and conscious.  Next, are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit different persons?  Yes, but all 3 persons share the same divine nature, thus constituting the one true God.


If a church made up exclusively of women is conducting a service, and an unbeliever enters, what should they do?  They should explain that they will not conduct the service in his presence but will be glad to study with him privately after they dismiss.  Next, should Christians ever watch movies?  We may do so if we are discerning and selective so as not to fill our hearts with evil.  In John 17:14-15 Jesus did not pray for us to escape the world but prayed for us not to partake of the evil in the world.  Someone also asked if a woman may baptize a man if no men are available to do it?  Yes, she is not conducting a public worship service with men and woman by doing so.


Tomorrow will be a day to rest and catch my breath before the last schedule of work in Manila.  It is hard to realize that a week from today I will be somewhere in the sky flying home to my precious Donna and dear brethren, God willing.


In Christian love,

Ron Halbrook


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Posted August 31, 2024 by Jacob Keese in category "Reports