September 13

Home with Much Thanksgiving – September 3, 2024

Dear family, brethren, & friends,


By the mercies of God, I arrived home about an hour ago (almost midnight on Tuesday, U.S. time) with much thanksgiving.


I am thankful to God for the opportunities to serve His saints and our brethren in the U.K., France, and the Philippines.


I am thankful to Donna for all of her patient help without which this trip would have been impossible.  I am thankful to be home with her again!


I am thankful for the Hebron Lane church of Christ which is so very supportive of the cause of Christ in the Philippines.


I am thankful to the many saints who received me and helped me along the way as we labored together in the gospel since July 25 until the end of the trip.  Thank you for gathering precious souls who wanted to learn more about God’s Holy Word.


I am thankful to the saints who prayed and donated funds on behalf of this trip.


I am thankful for the 16 souls who were born again by being baptized into Christ and for the 1 brother who confessed his sins and was restored to our Lord.


May God bless us all as we press forward fighting the good fight of faith to the end so that we will have victory in Christ!


In Christian love,

Ron Halbrook


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Posted September 13, 2024 by Jacob Keese in category "Reports