March 27

Carpentero and Kapitbahayan Updates

God willing, later today I will start my 30th trip to the Philippines (Mar. 27-May 4).  It is 2:00 A.M. but I am determined to get this encouraging information out before leaving town.  Help A Neighbor is a useful avenue for individuals to provide poor Filipinos some things beyond their reach in the spirit of Matthew 22:39, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”  A gift of $500 or more toward such efforts is tax deductible: Help A Neighbor acts for charitable purposes as defined by the IRS Code section 501(C) 3.       Honnielyn Carpentero to Graduate from Nursing School. One of our first goals was to aid a widow named Linma Carpentero in helping her daughter Hannie Lynn (“Honnielyn”) finish nursing school.  Cipriano–faithful husband, father, and preacher–died an untimely death in late 2005.  Generous gifts amounting to $6,640 have been given and we hope soon to announce Honnielyn’s graduation!

Church Building for Kapitbahayan Church of Christ in Manila Nearing Completion. In July 2007 we started gathering funds to help the saints of the Kapitbahayan church to pursue their plan in constructing a meeting house.  They met for many years in a borrowed facility used by denominational groups, but had outgrown this facility.  Visitors sometimes attended the denominational groups thinking they had found the church of Christ.  For the past year I have watched this project progress.  On February 4, 2008 I preached two lessons on the history and translation of the Bible to 100 people gathered on the first floor and soon thereafter it was finished.  Brethren from Manila and surrounding regions were invited to attend an all-day gospel meeting on February 29.  An overflow crowd attended, six were baptized, others were restored, and there was great rejoicing by all!  The second floor and some finishing work can be completed for $2,000-$3,000.  To see the new building go to, click on “Sermons,” and open at “Mar. 2, 2008,  Ron Halbrook,  Bringing In Filipino Sheaves.”

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November 23

Overwhelming Response

I am often amazed at the providence of God.  I am very surprised to be able to report that the response of brethren wanting to participate in Help A Neighbor has been overwhelming!  This new effort began in July as one means of providing for others what they are unable to provide for themselves in the spirit of Matthew 22:39: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Individual Christians who are friends of Philippine saints and work have trusted us to act as a source of reliable information and to deliver needed resources.

Help A Neighbor facilitates efforts to provide resources desperately needed in the Philippines by brethren wishing to give $500 or more.  Resources may be used to build church buildings, to extend medical aid, or to meet such needs as building or repairing domiciles.  Help A Neighbor exists exclusively for charitable purposes as defined and approved by section 501 (C) 3 of the IRS Code.  Funds given for this purpose are tax deductible.  To satisfy legal requirements, family members joined me in this endeavor: Donna, Jonathan, and David.

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September 27

Our First Report

I am happy to announce Help A Neighbor is a new avenue to aid struggling saints in the Philippine Islands!  The key is to provide for others what they are not able to provide for themselves in the spirit of Matthew 22:39: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Friends of Philippine saints and work seek reliable information and reliable messengers to deliver the resources which are lacking.  Help A Neighbor is designed to aid individual Christians by providing one source of reliable information and messengers.

Help A Neighbor will facilitate efforts to provide resources desperately needed in the Philippines by brethren wishing to give $500 or more.  Resources may be used to build church buildings, to extend medical aid, or to meet such needs as building or repairing domiciles.  Help A Neighbor exists exclusively for charitable purposes as defined and approved by section 501 (C) 3 of the IRS Code.  Funds given for this purpose are tax deductible.  To satisfy legal requirements, family members joined me in this endeavor: Donna, Jonathan, and David.

Help A Neighbor functions in the realm of individual action and not church action. Churches of Christ are fully equipped by God to perform their own work and it would not be scriptural for churches to donate to Help A Neighbor.  We neither seek nor accept such donations.

When David and I travel and preach in the Philippines, we see firsthand the sacrifices and suffering of our brethren, and we are in constant communication with them.  The pressing need for church buildings is largely neglected.  We hope to make U.S. brethren more aware of such disadvantages by sharing information about specific places where church buildings are direly needed.  Critical medical services requiring large sums of money are also needed at times.

Church Building for Kapitbahayan Church of Christ in Manila.  The saints meeting at the Kapitbahayan Church of Christ, Navotas,  Metro Manila need our help.  For years the brethren have met in a community chapel used by denominations.  The attendance on Sundays 7:00-9:00 A.M. runs over 120.  Some visitors arrive during denominational services thinking they are meeting with our brethren.

After worship, Bible classes are held in the homes of brethren Ben Cruz and Jerry Toreja. Some study in an open porch area subject to the hot sun and rain.  An elderly sister climbing the steep, narrow stairs going to class fell and died.  Others do not attend for fear of falling.

A poor sister sold the brethren a lot at a bargain price near the chapel.  Land and construction costs are high in the city.  The total will be about $40,000.  By sacrificing, these poor brethren raised some $4,000 and began the construction.  I saw the building August 22 when a second floor for classes and a roof were being added to the concrete walls.  The floor was still dirt and there were no windows or doors. $20,000-25,000 will finish this new building.  Who can help these saints?

Linma and Hannie Lynn Carpentero. Cipriano Carpentero was a mature preacher who died December 29, 2005 at 58 years.  His wife Linma lives in Manila on a thread and is selling her few possessions to help their daughter Hannie Lynn finish nursing school by next summer.  Honeylyn wants to help support her mother but needs $5,000 to finish school so she can find a job.  Who can help her?

Let me hear from you if you would like to give $500 or $5,000 or more for these needs, or other needs you know about.  “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

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