Philippines-Malaysia Report December 16-21, 2023
Dear family, brethren, and friends,
Our Saturday flights from Bacolod City on Negros to Cebu City on Cebu and on to Tacloban City on Leyte were uneventful and I napped both times. Nilo Zabala met us about 4:00 P.M. and took us to visit a couple of brethren on our way to the hotel. We visited a faithful preacher named Renato Fabi who supports himself by fishing and lives in a shabby shanty near the sea where the water bothers them at high tide often. Holes in the tin roof let rain water drip into the little shack, but a congregation gladly meets here every Sunday. How little we as Americans know about real sacrifice in serving our Savior!
I saw a thin sliver of a beautiful moon tonight when we left Renato’s house.
On the Lord’s Day, Nilo Zabala drove Jack and me 2 ½ hours to reach the church at San Vicente in Ormoc City where Willie Pelino has served as an evangelist for many years. As often happens in the Philippines, he made an extension to his house which can serve as a garage and as a meeting place for the saints. Close to 100 people were gathered when we arrived and I immediately taught the material on “Christmas Observance: From Heaven, or Of Men?”
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