Philippine Trip April 22-26, 2023
Dear family, brethren, and friends,
Early Saturday morning (Apr. 22) Rody and Tessie Gumpad picked up David, Joel, and me to take us from the Cagayan region to the Ilocos region in northwest Luzon. First, we drove three hours to reach Magacan, Pamplona in the Province of Cagayan to preach to the Negritos, one of the poorest of all the tribal groups. They live in little huts made of native materials with the ground as the floor and cook over open fires. In spite of their deep poverty, they are intelligent and humble people. Danilo Bautista is a Negrito and works among them proclaiming the gospel.
More than 120 attended as David preached from Psalms 145-146 about putting our trust in God who alone can give us true happiness. I spoke from Psalm 23 on “The Lord Is Our Shepherd King.” Robinson Pulveras translated in the dialect. Ten souls responded to the gospel call and were immediately baptized into Christ with great rejoicing all around.
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