April 22

Halbrook Philippine Trip April 19-20, 2018

Dear family, brethren, and friends around the world,

Wednesday night I got to bed at 1:30 A.M. (i.e., Thursday morning) because after the classes each night I work on email trying to answer and help Filipino brethren with many things.  Some of the time is spent waiting on the weak slow internet connection or trying to reconnect because the connection breaks.  Fortunately, Mark and Lordy had the first classes Thursday morning as we continued teaching on the home and family.

Mark taught a final lesson in the series on the new man in Christ, then Lordy introduced the Sermon on the Mount with the beatitudes and I followed with two studies on the Sermon showing the proper conduct of citizens in the new kingdom of God.  Proper conduct must be applied in all realms and relationships of life including the home.  There will be harmony in the home when we provide a good example in our conduct (salt, light), when we avoid sinful expressions of anger, when we follow Jesus’ teaching on how to settle conflicts, when we avoid sinful sexual lusts, when we avoid fornication and divorce, when we are truthful at all times, etc., etc.

Mark finished today by teaching on respect in the home and on the danger of selfishness while Lordy taught on settling differences and accepting our responsibilities in marriage.  All of the teachers are very pleased with the excellent response of our audience.

Danny and Luz Banting invited relatives and friends to gather at their house after today’s session.  They provided a wonderful meal of Filipino dishes.  After supper I preached on “Young People, Read the Bible” and Mark discussed contradictions between the Bible picture of Mary the mother of Jesus and Catholic doctrines venerating her.  About 20 people heard these lessons over the constant loud, sharp yapping and barking of neighborhood dogs.  Americans are used to an environment insulated from such outside sounds, but Filipinos just filter out such static because they are accustomed to it.

One of our visitors asked about the origin of the Baptist Church and we pointed out that such denominations did not exist in Bible times but arose hundreds of years later.  There was a follow-up question about John the Baptist.  That expression simply means “John who baptized many people,” but he never organized any denominational organization with the name Baptist.  Our visitor was very appreciative.  Another visitor brought up the statement of Jesus, “My Father and I are one.”  I explained they are one because they are united as persons in the Godhead just as our visitor and his wife are one because they are united as male and female in marriage.  It does not mean the husband is the wife, nor that the Father is Jesus.  We got back to the hotel about 10:00-10:30 P.M., very thankful for another opportunity to sow the seed of God’s kingdom, thanks to the good efforts of the Banting family.

The series on the home and family ended Friday by focusing on two themes.  First, during the morning session, Mark and Lordy each taught two lessons on man’s leadership in the home, showing that he has the primary responsibility for the direction the family moves in life.

Second, after lunch I taught four lessons reading and discussing every verse in the Song of Solomon which celebrates true love in marriage.  In his younger days before political marriages corrupted him, Solomon courted and married a young lady from a rural background in northern Israel.  His “Song of Songs” tells the story of how their love grew and matured which included the gift of passionate love in marriage.  Many people are uncomfortable reading the book because they associate passionate love with sin, but within the confines of marriage it is a beautiful gift of God.  Solomon wrote this love story in the form of a poem and it is every person’s love story because it reflects how love grows and develops leading to marriage, and even within marriage.

I pointed out at the end of this study that God’s greatest expression of love is the gift of His Son who died for our sins.  When I extended the Lord’s invitation, two precious souls responded and were baptized into Christ.

At the day’s end, Jhun Bautista gave each teacher and each student a certificate of appreciation for completing the class.  Mark and I brought books and tracts which were then distributed to the students so that they have additional study material to use when they go home.  Jhun and his wife along with brethren who helped them must be highly commended for their hard work all week behind the scenes which facilitated our classes.

We had such an outstanding week of study that it is bitter-sweet to see everyone depart, but we trust they carry in their hearts many lessons which will promote strong marriages filled with harmony and happiness as God intended.  I admire brethren who traveled a great distance to participate with us without any financial assistance from us, even some who sacrificed time from their jobs without pay.  Detractors criticize the Philippine work by claiming that we pay people to come and we pay people to be baptized, and they only come in the hope of getting free meals, when in reality most who attend do so at great personal sacrifice.  If such detractors would put boots on the ground, participate in this work, and meet Filipino saints who sacrifice much to serve the Lord, surely their attitude would undergo a radical change.

Great gratitude must be expressed to all the saints who have made this week possible by your prayers, support, and encouragement.  And, yes, when we stepped out of the church building after we dismissed tonight, there was the moon beaming down on us and reminding us of your love and care while we are so far from home.  Truly, all is well that ends well!

God willing, we will travel to Manila tomorrow to teach the book of Revelation at the Kapitbahayan church in Navotas next week.  Please pray for our safety in travel.

In Christian love,
Ron Halbrook

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Posted April 22, 2018 by Jacob Keese in category "Reports