August 16

July 25-31 UK-France-Philippines #1

Dear family, brethren, and friends,


Starting this 87th trip included a few bumps such as a flight change which brought me to London later than the original plan, and the taxi dropped me at the wrong hotel.  But, all is well that ends well:  I am in London at the right hotel now ready to review lessons, rest, exercise, and be prepared to begin preaching for the saints at Brighton tomorrow, God willing.


I was able to discuss religion with that first taxi driver, which revealed that he is a disillusioned Muslim who has looked into other religions.  I explained that Bible Christianity is distinct from all other religions because it is based on evidence rather than culture, tradition, and emotion.  He now has a tract and my email address, so let us hope he contacts me and more seed can be planted.


The first preaching appointment was for 2 days with the church at Brighton about 2 hours east of London where Constant Coulibaly serves as an evangelist.  The theme was “Moral Truth in an Amoral Age.”  Four topics were covered on Saturday including “Legalizing Sin Does Not Change God’s Truth,” “The Truth about Abortion,” “The Truth about Homosexuality,” and “The Truth about Transgender.”


Then came the open forum in which a variety of questions was discussed.  Some related to hindsight regarding covid issues (such as churches shutting down under government pressure), should unbaptized children participate in leading worship services (no, saints should conduct worship, but children can participate in training sessions), and how can we help people coming from broken, abused, and immoral backgrounds (take a personal interest in each one and guide them to passages addressing their needs)?  Ten of us joined in today’s service and we dismissed a little past 5:00 P.M.


A young man in his early 20’s is a member here and is an inspiration to the saints.  He was studying his own way out of a denomination when God opened a door for him to study with Constant a few years ago.  He was converted to Christ over his parents’ protests.  We stayed another 30 minutes discussing his questions about how to personally grow in Christ.


After the 2 hour drive back to the hotel, Constant helped me re-label boxes of Bibles and teaching materials I brought for the next flight to Paris (and on to the Philippines next week).  After reviewing lessons for tomorrow, I got to bed at 1:00 A.M with much thanksgiving for this good day!


On the Lord’s Day 29 souls gathered for worship and another all-day session.  Two lessons were presented on “The Threat of Pornography: Making Sex and Idol,” then “The Truth about Social Media” and “Finish the Race.”  The open forum continued for over an hour with questions about Matthew 24 and the Lord’s return, the age of a young person’s accountability, the challenges of trying to teach and save children living in a separated home, and others.


We drove back to Constant’s apartment for a delicious supper prepared by his wife Philice, and then I worked until 1:30 A.M.


Our Monday was consumed by travel as we drove about 6 hours north to reach Newcastle Upon Tyne.  This was a good chance to catch several naps and see the beautiful countryside in farmland and sheep pastures.  After arriving, eating supper, and exercising, I got to bed about 12:30 A.M., looking forward to the next day.


At Newcastle Teddy Gumpad hosted our study on Tuesday at a function room in the hotel because the church of 25-30 people meets in a rented room not available today.  Nine of us studied 2 lessons on “The Message of the Bible: Salvation in Jesus Christ” and another one urging saints to “Finish the Race.”  There was profitable open forum covering a wide range of topics including how to teach people why we sing without instrumental music, how Christians were blindsided by government exaggerations during covid, resulting in closed churches but open liquor stores, and other subjects.


I find more and more Christians in the U.S. reflecting on this latter issue in the same way.  This is not to diminish the seriousness of health hazards, but obviously something is wrong when the government closed churches as a health hazard while leaving liquor stores wide open as essential services!


One bright spot today was having a new Christian present from Africa who is hungry to learn and grow, and everyone thought the subjects presented met her needs well.


Teddy, Bing, and little four-year-old Gabby took us to supper at an Asian restaurant and we walked around town to see some interesting sights.  After getting back to my room, taking exercise, and catching up on a few emails, I got to bed about 1:30 A.M.


Wednesday morning we drove 3 hours to meet with the saints in Nottingham (no, we did not see Robin Hood while there – he may have been busy relieving the king’s messengers of their booty!).  Adrian Limb joined our classes on my first London trip in 2019 and we have stayed in touch through the years.  He labors with this church which has an adequate building nestled in a quiet neighborhood.  A dozen souls gathered and heard the same 3 sermons presented at Newcastle.


The open forum included covid questions, discussion of “fellowship” in Acts 2:42 (most likely the fellowship of giving into the treasury, see vv. 44-45), the dangers of alcohol and other drugs to a Christian’s sobriety, and other assorted subjects.


It was an uplifting day with these saints and they expressed warm appreciation for the studies.  This church uses one container for the grape juice in the Lord’s Supper, but they understand this is a traditional practice, not a test of salvation and fellowship (unlike the typical one-container groups in the U.S.).  Though I taught on various aspects of worship, this issue was not even raised during the open forum.  Our unity in Christ overshadows such matters of expediency.


Constant, Philice, and I drove 3 hours back to London, had a late supper with more good Bible discussion, and then bid each other goodbye, hoping to see each other again on this side of eternity.  They have been invaluable helpers the whole time I have been here in the U.K.  Constant is thoroughly dedicated to the work of an evangelist and is sound in the faith but is struggling financially, needing help.


The U.K. and Europe generally are spiritual wastelands.  Huge ornate churches which are architectural marvels are largely abandoned and many are being turned into rental apartments, restaurants, and bars!  A very small percentage of the people attend church on any given Sunday.  Churches are for christening infants and burying the dead, if used at all.  We must admire and encourage our brethren who soldier onward in spite of these difficult circumstances.  Thank you for your prayers and financial help which enable me to visit and work with these dear saints!


In Christian love,

Ron Halbrook


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Posted August 16, 2024 by Jacob Keese in category "Reports