Halbrook Philippine Trip April 26-30, 2018
Dear family, brethren, and friends around the world,
The Thursday classes in studying Then Comes the End were fruitful again. Mark Mayberry taught on the Judgment Day and also a separate lesson on the text of Matthew 25. Jonathan Carino spoke on hell and then on errors of millennial theories. My topics were heaven, realized eschatology (the doctrine that the end of all things occurred when Jerusalem fell in A.D. 70), and errors of the rapture doctrine. All the teachers were able to give some time for Q & A which the class always enjoys. Interest continues to run high!
The last day of classes was Friday and Mark reviewed false theories about the millennium. I then made a review and summary entitled “Premillennialism Undermines the One Hope” (Eph. 4:1-6). This doctrine changes the original teaching of Christ at many points, both by adding (such things as “end time” signs, Jews return to Canaan, the 1,000 year earthly reign of Christ, etc.) and by subtracting (such as the claim that the promised kingdom of peace has not yet come, etc.). The three teachers then jointly conducted an open forum for an hour which led to several clarifications.
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