August 28

August 19-21, 2019 in New Zealand

August 21, 2019th Year of Our Lord

Dear family, brethren, and friends,

The last day in Whakatane was a beautiful, cool sun-shiny day.  As I prepared for the Monday afternoon flight back to Auckland, I worked on a report, answered email, walked on the Ohope beach with Patrick discussing Bible questions, joined Abner and Lani at a Thai restaurant, and squeezed in a nap.  I hate to leave the saints here because I am inspired by their diligent efforts, but I will keep them in my heart and prayers.

The 4:45 P.M. flight was smooth sailing.  I took a picture of Auckland as we approached in the distance, showing the heavy cloud cover which continues to bring intermittent rain showers.  Randy, Crisel, and Asylle Cabrillas picked me up at the airport and we joined Ronnie and Nina Salunga for a good supper and visit at a restaurant on the seashore.  After we reached the Cabrillas’ home I worked until 2:00 A.M. and then fell soundly asleep.

Tuesday was a pretty day with the sun often breaking through the clouds.  I was so busy preparing tonight’s lesson and answering email that there was no time to walk until 4:30 P.M.  After a quick walk, I dressed for our service and we shared a supper of delicious Filipino foods at the Salunga’s house.

The service started at 7:30 P.M. with 19 present to hear a textual study of Matthew 23:34-25:46 entitled “Judgment by Christ:  Jerusalem, and All Men.”  Jesus said Jerusalem would be abandoned by God: “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate” (Matt. 23:38).  The disciples expected Jesus to rule in Jerusalem and to make Israel a world power, so they asked in dismay when these things would happen, and what would be the sign of his coming and of the end of the world.  It seemed to them the destruction of Jerusalem could come only at the end of time.

Actually, the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of time are two separate events and Jesus addressed them separately.  In Matthew 24:1-35 he gave signs pointing to his coming in judgment against Jerusalem, and in 24:36-25:46 he urged all men to be ready at all times for his return at the end of time because there will be no unusual signs.  “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only” (24:36).  All the charts and calculations of men claiming the signs of “the end time” can be mapped out are frauds and scams!

Among our visitors were Bart and his family.  He was a childhood friend of Nina and is now a Pentecostal preacher.  An extensive open forum followed the lesson as he attempted to defend premillennialism by jumping to Revelation 20.  I pointed out if premillennialism is true, it is taught only in Revelation 20 because Matthew 24 offers no support for this theory.  After letting Bart try to defend premillennialism from Revelation 20, I gave a brief overview of the book of Revelation starting with 1:1-3, which shows the events John saw in visions would “shortly come to pass” – not in the distant future!

Next I pointed to the key scene in 6:9-11 where souls executed because they refused to worship the Roman emperor cried out to God asking how long this slaughter of His people would continue.  God answered, “for a little season.”  The remainder of the book reveals in John’s visions God’s chastisements of Rome leading finally to its fall in chapter 19.  Then 20:1-4 pictures all of those slaughtered saints sharing the victory of Christ over Rome for 1,000 years.  This figurative number means the victory was total, complete, irreversible.  Christ had been ruling all along, but the point here is that the martyred saints are pictured in total victory with Christ when Rome fell.

Every time I exposed the fallacies of Bart’s objections, he jumped to something else, “But what about…?”  Finally, he attempted to go back to Matthew 24 and claim it provides signs of the return of Christ to set up the 1,000 year earthly kingdom in Jerusalem.  I asked him if he was praying that Jesus not return on Saturday in keeping with verse 20.  This flustered him and he did not know how to answer, except, “But what about…?”

At 10:00 P.M. I thanked Bart for his questions which had enriched our study but suggested we dismiss for the sake of many who must go to their jobs early the next day.  I shook his hand and welcomed him to return. His family was not offended by our exchange.  In fact, while teaching I noticed in his wife’s eyes and the nodding of her head that she understood some of the key points I presented.  He will surely try to confuse her again later, but the seed was sown.  They stayed and visited with everyone for about 20 minutes and left us in good spirits.

Several of the brethren were greatly encouraged by this exchange because it made the truth stand out clearer and sharper.  We teach God’s Word, and He gives the increase according to His will.  May God bless the Meadowood church for creating these wonderful opportunities to proclaim the gospel of Christ in its original purity and simplicity!

This Wednesday was a beautiful day with more sun than rain.  I got to work shortly after 8:00 A.M. preparing for tonight’s lesson and responding to email.  This day was very productive including a walk before lunch and again before going to the Salunga’s house for our meeting, which will help my stamina for the long day coming up tomorrow.

Ten attended this last service including a Filipino Baptist who just arrived from Dubai a few days ago to find a new job.  Everyone was very attentive to our study from John 3 entitled “Born of the Water and of the Spirit” including our new visitor who followed the passages and made notes on the outline I distributed.  The service started at 8:00 P.M. and the sermon took less than an hour, but the open forum continued until 10:30 with a very wide range of questions.

We discussed 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 to clarify that miraculous gifts ended when divine revelation was completed, passages showing God intended His Word to be translated to other languages and He protected this process by His providence (Mk. 16:15; 1 Pet. 1:23-25), and the meaning of biblical terms for the church.  It is the church of Christ because he died for it, is its only head, and it is the only church which belongs to him (Rom. 16:16).  It is the church of God because it originated from eternity in the mind of God rather than from the plans of men (1 Cor. 1:2).  It is the church of the firstborn ones because its members are highly blessed like the oldest child who received a double portion of the inheritance in ancient times (Heb. 12:23).  Adding human names such as Catholic, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Baptist, etc. is strictly forbidden by 1 Corinthians 1:12-13 which emphasizes we must wear the name of the one who was crucified for us.  True followers of Christ are Christians, not Mormons, Methodists, or Muslims (Acts 11:26).

Another line of questions addressed the role of men rather than women to teach and speak in leading the assembly in spite of the push to erase this distinction in Western culture.  This was another productive evening of study!

In closing the service, Ronnie Salunga reviewed the list of eleven topics covered in the services here beginning August 9 (not including the lessons preached at Whakatane).  It seems the saints have been edified and encouraged, and most certainly their faithful efforts in these meetings have had the same impact on me.  Working and worshiping with saints in these distant places around the world strengthens my faith, hope, and love, and reinforces my determination to walk in the strait and narrow way of truth to the end.  May God bless us all so that we will meet around the throne of His mercy and grace to serve Him for eternity!

In Christian love,
Ron Halbrook

P.S. I have been daily talking with Donna on the phone and getting updates about Laymon Byers and Danny Dennison.  Both remain in the hospital with serious injuries.  It turned out that Danny had to have surgery on a broken ankle, but both men are slowly improving by the grace of God.  Thank you to all of you who have been praying for them around the world.  (I was almost involved in a wreck very similar to theirs in the early morning hours today, Friday, approaching the Auckland airport – will explain in the next report.)

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Posted August 28, 2019 by Jacob Keese in category "Reports