August 14

July 30 – August 7, 2019 in Philippines

Dear family, brethren, and friends,

By the mercies of God, this 75th Philippine trip got off to a good start because I got to sleep a full hour the last night before Doug Rush took me to the airport early Tuesday morning, July 30th.  All the flights went well and I was able to prepare some sermon material between naps.  We landed in Manila Wednesday night an hour early after 24 hours of travel.  After checking in at the hotel, I immediately went to the exercise room for an hour and then got seven hours sleep – a good bonus!

The first day is always transitional in adjusting to the 12 hour change, visiting the money changer, and preparing materials in six boxes brought on the plane for shipping to the venues where I am scheduled to preach and teach.  Thursday morning Elias Cruz, James Paet, and Junior Gumpad were a great help in packing the boxes.  It was an added blessing to have Rody Gumpad, Steve Lee, and Keith Greer visit for an hour and a half before they flew to Cebu City to work with Jonathan Carino.  They will also visit churches on Palawan and Luzon.

In the evening I was also blessed by a visit from Jerry and Teresa Toreja.   I had expected to get to bed early but learned that many important emails sent the last two days at home went to never-never land and were not received.  I logged in to my desk computer at home to resend some of those messages but could not catch up with all of them, and finally fell into bed at 2:00 A.M.  Never a dull moment!

James Paet picked me up Friday and then along the way Lordy Salunga, Jerry Moral, and Archie Alarcon joined us in traveling to a hotel at Subic Bay on the west side of Luzon.  It rained all the way and we learned this area had monsoon rains every day in July, which continued while we were there.  Thank God, the drought which did so much damage and brought so much suffering during the last year is broken.

For the past year and a half Rey Siene, Jr. has corresponded with me.  He first contacted me seeking financial help to attend a preacher training school in the U.S. conducted by brethren involved in institutional liberalism.  He was supporting himself and his father by teaching school in foreign nations, so he is a professional.  I commended him for his intense desire to improve his knowledge and skills in preaching but cautioned him about the unscriptural practices of centralization in the work of churches, churches supporting human institutions, and churches conducting social and recreational programs in the name of fellowship

Rey subsequently returned to his home at Beddeng, San Narciso in the province of Zambales and concentrated on helping the local church there as much as possible.  Now he supports himself by teaching at the naval academy at Subic Bay, though this limits the time available to labor in the gospel.  He had known Jerry Moral previously and they had re-established contact.  We were given the privilege to work with Rey and all the saints at Beddeng Saturday and Sunday.  Both days 27 attended.  Each day Lordy spoke first, setting forth the unique pattern of the New Testament church in its work and organization.

My sermons covered foundational principles such as “Evidence God Exists,” “The Message of the Bible” in two parts, “How Sinners Receive Salvation,” “The Bread of Life,” and “Why Saints Assemble” (verse by verse study of Hebrews 10).  Our audience was most attentive and respectful.  Even young children sat quietly (which is not the case in every place).  The open forum time gave us the opportunity to further clarify such things as the distinction between individual action in providing benevolence to both saints and sinners, and local church action in providing benevolence to faithful saints.  Having a very conservative commitment to Bible authority, both Rey, Sr. and Rey, Jr. embraced the truth which was proclaimed with enthusiasm and thanksgiving.  They invited us to come again whenever possible.  Our hearts were uplifted by their openness to the truth.

Immediately after Sunday lunch, James drove us to Candon City, Ilocos Sur, where we arrived at 10:00 P.M. safely by God’s grace.

Leonito Torreliza has faithfully labored in the gospel in Candon City for many years.  I taught classes here ten years ago with my son, David, and we stayed again in the same “resort” by the sea.  On that occasion at times we could not locate David…because he was in his room on the cell phone talking to a young lady named Starla Page – whom he married on April 30, 2010.  Precious memories go with me everywhere in the Philippines, thanks to our loving God who brought me to this land in 1995 with Jim McDonald.

Monday and Tuesday were devoted to gospel preaching on many topics at Candon City by Lordy, James, Archie, and myself with our attendance reaching 47.  Brethren from surrounding provinces such as La Union and Abra joined us.  The first day I again presented four lessons covering God’s existence, the message of the Bible, and the terms of pardon.  Tuesday my subjects were “Trust God Till the Danger Passes” (Ps. 57), “Modest Dress through the Ages” (1 Tim. 2:9-10), and “The Bread of Life” (Jn. 6:35).  I was told the lesson on modest dress was especially helpful and appreciated by many.

We rejoice for the two precious souls who received forgiveness of their sins from Christ the Savior by submitting to him in water baptism by obedient faith.

The rains continued off and on, and the heavy humidity coupled with the summer heat drenched our clothes in sweat – a very small price to pay for the high privilege of preaching the unsearchable riches of the gospel of Christ!

We left Candon at 4:00 P.M. headed for Manila.  James is a tough driver who can endure long stretches into the late night, and we safely arrived at midnight by God’s loving care.  Though it rained much of the time, for the first time I vaguely saw the moon trying its best to shine through the clouds with its messages of love from dear ones back home.

As I write this report on Wednesday evening, I am completing preparations to fly early tomorrow to New Zealand to labor with the saints in Auckland and Whakatane.  May God bless every saint who is praying for these efforts to harvest souls for eternal life.

In Christian love,
Ron Halbrook

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Posted August 14, 2019 by Jacob Keese in category "Reports