December 10

Philippines December 2-4, 2019

Dear family, brethren, and friends,

My 76th Philippine trip started with a bang because there was little time after flying from Louisville to Detroit to catch the plane to Tokyo, Japan, but I made it.  The flight to Tokyo was fine and I completed a lot of study and work along with a nap, but we were stranded in Tokyo 4-5 hours waiting for Typhoon Tisoy (also called Kimmuri) to pass over Luzon.  Finally, our plane took off and passed through heavy rain and turbulence but arrived safely in Manila about 1:00 A.M. Wednesday – it should have been 9:30 P.M. on Tuesday.

The airport had been closed until 11:00 P.M. Tuesday because of the typhoon, so many delayed flights were arriving and hundreds and hundreds of people were jammed into immigration lines and at the baggage carousels like I’ve never seen.  To add to the excitement, five of the six boxes of Bibles and study materials I brought as checked luggage arrived while one traveled to Atlanta and on to Amsterdam!  Say what???  That required paper work and more lost time.  By the time I got to my hotel room, it was about 3:00 A.M.

I called Donna, unpacked, and answered several important emails, then crashed in the bed shortly after 4:00 A.M. and thanked God that all of my travel adventures have been safe ones!

I was up before 9:00 A.M. to eat a late breakfast, go to the money changer, and meet James Paet, Ali Cruz, and Andrew Romero in the hotel lobby to re-pack the boxes and send them to various places where I will teach.  Ali and Andrew volunteered to bring some of them to the Bicol region where I will begin with my first appointments.  They will drive about 14 hours to join us there

I used the rest of the day to exercise, rest, study, and work on the eternal flow of email messages by the grace of God.  There was an added blessing when Jerry and Teresa Toreja stopped at the hotel for a visit tonight – it is always a joy to see them!

It is past midnight Wednesday (i.e., it is now 12:20 Thursday morning) and the wandering box still has not been delivered to the hotel as promised.  I am awake and ready to receive it because the brethren with the van are waiting to load it and travel all night to Bicol, then I will fly to meet them tomorrow, God willing.  Let us hope this ends well.

May God bless all of you as you are also are making your journeys in life under God’s providential care.

Do not forget to keep an eye out for the moon – I am looking for it too.

In Christian love,

Ron Halbrook

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Posted December 10, 2019 by Jacob Keese in category "Reports