August 19

Preaching in the Philippines August 13-14, 2023

Dear family, brethren, and friends,

Our Lord’s Day activities involved 11 hours of travel and visits to four congregations.  Salvador Parbo picked up Jonathan and Nanette Carino and myself in a four-wheel-drive truck which negotiated roads of all kinds as we traversed the mountains including concrete highways, washed-out roads filled with large random rocks, muddy roads with deep ruts, and one-lane paths.  Without four-wheel-drive, we would still be somewhere in those mountains tonight!

Our first stop was at the Kiongok church in Maasim in the Province of Sarangani where Salvador preaches.  Over 100 people participated in this service as I preached on “The Resurrection of Christ” from Mark 16. Jonathan summarized this sermon in the local dialect.  Nine people ranging in age from 23 to 12 confessed Christ and were baptized into him.  Many Muslims inhabit this area, but Salvador has befriended them and converted some of them to Christ.

Our second appointment was with the saints meeting at Nomoh, Maasim, and, again, more than 100 attended.  Salvador asked me to preach the same sermon here and he translated it line by line as I spoke.  Both of these churches have a good mix of age groups including many young children.

A short visit was made to Dampilan, Maasim, to see Eduardo Diamana, Sr. and the new church building constructed there with the help of U.S. brethren.

In the late afternoon we stopped at Amsipit, Maasim, where Allan Moyak preaches and about 50 souls were assembled.  My sermon from Psalm 23 entitled “God Is Our Shepherd King” was translated line by line by Billy Gripo.  When the Lord’s invitation was extended, a sister was restored who fell from God’s grace many years ago, and two precious souls stepped forward to be baptized for the remission of their sins through the blood of Christ.

It was 7:30 P.M. when we arrived back at the hotel, exhausted but happy and thankful to God for such a wonderful and uplifting Lord’s Day serving Him with His saints!

Jonathan and Nanette Carino and I left the hotel in Jolly Julom’s truck with Romeo driving before 8:30 A.M. on Monday to travel for over two hours going up into the mountains and lakes of Lake Sebu.  Much of the income obtained by the tribal people in this remote area comes from raising tilapia in the many lakes here and also from tourists who are attracted to this quaint and beautiful region.

There are ten churches of Christ scattered here and we were blessed to have access to a four-wheel-drive truck again so that we could visit several of them.  Cooler mountain air plus overcast skies produced a most comfortable day for this travel and teaching in many places.  Manuel Montanez, Joy Julom (excellent songleader), Salvador Parbo, Nestor Francisco, and others joined us in today’s activities and extended their helping hands.

All of the places we visited today are in the Lake Sebu area.  First, we stopped at the Three Fingers church where Jerry Bento preaches.  Their partially built meeting house suffered serious damage when the ground on one side collapsed and slid down a steep embankment, tearing off one side the building.  They are going to dismantle the remaining materials and rebuild nearby.  This will be a nice building when completed.

From there we made a short visit to the Lamsual church which is served by Nono Calamban and a few members were waiting to meet us.  Like most of these preachers, he struggles to make ends meet but is persistent in proclaiming the gospel of Christ.

Our next appointment was at the Mabuhay church meeting in Bacdulong, Lake Sebu where Jovanie Ugen labors for the Lord. Salvador Parbo translated as I spoke on “The Resurrection of Christ” in Mark 16.  About 100 attended and ten precious souls stepped forward to confess the deity of Christ and to submit to him in baptism.  My lesson warned against false teachers who claim to perform the miracles of Jesus and his Apostles today.  I pointed out this deception is a danger to people’s health and lives because they are told to “believe for a miracle” rather than to see doctors.

My heart was touched by a young lady who approached me afterward to say she has a serious heart defect and the so-called “faith healers” are telling her to “believe for a miracle” rather than getting medical attention.  I advised her to pay no attention to these deceivers but to go to doctors who can truly help her by the providence of God.  And, yes, we pray for all of our needs by faith in God, but we do not pray for God to renew something which has already fulfilled its place in God’s plan.  New Testament miracles confirmed the gospel is true and they ended by God’s plan when the truth was fully revealed (Mk. 16:20; 1 Cor. 13:8-13).

After lunch we proceeded to Tbong where Rebie Mamada labors for Christ.  Mud steps led us down the side of a steep hill to the building which is made of sturdy materials.  It is a joy to see more of these buildings as a result of Filipinos and Americans sacrificing to make it possible.  About 30 people heard my sermon on Psalm 23, “God Is Our Shepherd King,” translated by Danny Angeles.  One man obeyed the gospel and was baptized into Christ.

Next, I preached at the Buayan church at Lamlahak where Arnel Antang proclaims the gospel.  They, too, are in a new meeting house and about 30 people made a good crowd for its size.  My sermon on Psalm 23 was translated by Danny.

The last place I preached was at the Lamdalag church of Christ where Santos Flang serves as an evangelist.  Once again about 30 souls attended in this newly constructed meeting house.  Danny again translated my lesson as I preached on “Why We Have a Church Building” – we have it to fulfill the work of the church in evangelism, worship, and benevolence but not for recreational activities and social service programs.

At the day’s end we stopped at the Segundo Village church where Jovanie Ugen preaches to a congregation of 46.  It needs a lot of work to be completed and they have a pressing need for chairs.

This was a long exhausting day but very worthwhile for the preaching opportunities and also for the chance to view the many new church buildings which have been completed or are under construction.  As more and more people are being baptized into Christ, the need for places for them to worship increases, but this is a difficult challenge because most donors do not see this need as a priority.  Somehow, we see the priority of having a place to worship for ourselves but not so much for others (???).

The cause of Christ is advancing in southern Mindanao!

In Christian love,
Ron Halbrook

In Christian love,
Ron Halbrook

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Posted August 19, 2023 by Jacob Keese in category "Reports