January 10

Update on Funds for the Bangalore India Property and Building

My many thanks to all who have contributed to the “Help a Neighbor Fund” for the monies needed to purchase property and then building supplies for the brethren there to build a meeting place to meet and worship God. As of date (mid-January 2011) there is a total of some $22,000.00 in the “Help a Neighbor Fund” that brother Ron Halbrook is using to receive monies for this project and the monies in the bank in Red Oak Texas that brother Le Roy Klice is taking care of. Tom Roberts is serving as the accountant for these funds and enters all contributions in the ledger he is using. All contributions will receive a tax credit from Ron Halbrook and the tax exempt status that has been granted him by the IRS.

The church in Bangalore has committed $5,000.00 from personal loans made by the members. All of this is included in the $22, 000.00 total we are looking at now. Let me again URGE those who have planned to give to this but have yet to do so. The church in Bangalore has NO PLACE to meet except in a small room in the house of brother Balaswamy. The last time I was there, we had SIXTY FIVE people in a 10X12 room and people were still coming in. These are faithful Christians and deserve our help. Not ONLY can this provide a meeting place for the saints every week but provide the facilities needed for the American brethren (brothers Joe Price, Dan Torres and Marc Smith) who make trips yearly to teach converted preachers from denominations and from liberalism in training classes for two weeks. By dividing the men up into basic classes and advanced classes, they are able to “turn out” almost 100 well-grounded men each year. When the church there has their own building, the monies being spent to rent a place to teach and train these men can be applied to further the Lords work there instead of using it to pay rent.

Brethren, I plead with you to open your heart to the great need of these precious souls and come to their aid. Just as brother Ron Halbrook and I helped to make brethren aware of the needs of the saints in Sturgis Mississippi a few years ago when they had their building stolen by a liberal church and brethren GRACIOUSLY helped us get some $70,000.00 together in about three months, WE CAN DO THIS AS WELL. IS THERE NOT A JUST CAUSE HERE? Let us look at how RICHLY God has blessed each of us and give as much as we can and if we do, these monies needed will soon be enough to buy the land and build the building. The cost of the property when we first began trying to purchase land was quoted to us at some $26,000.00 but as time has gone along and prices have SORED in Bangalore and other major cities, the cost has risen to $48,000.00. We have “locked” the price in if we can raise the money.  The REASON that prices for land is rising as it is, is because investors are buying up land to build office buildings, apartment complexes and anything that can make them money. Thus land is becoming a premium. If you have ANY questions, contact Ron Halbrook, Tom Roberts or myself, Bobby Holmes and we will do our best to answer all, questions.

Bobby R. Holmes

219 Timothy Trail

Duncanville, Texas 75137

“Bobby Holmes” Bholmes180@sbcGlobal.net

“Tom Roberts” tmr1935@sbcglobal.net

“Ron Halbrook” halbrook@insightbb.com

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Posted January 10, 2011 by Thomas in category "Updates